Home Industry Verticals CRM Velocify launches SalesCaddy to help sales reps swing forward

Velocify launches SalesCaddy to help sales reps swing forward


Sales acceleration platform, Velocify, that helps sales teams prospect with more precision, accelerate lead engagement, and implement optimized workflows to find and convert leads, has launched a new prospecting tool SalesCaddy. The tool empowers salespeople to optimize their process for discovering and connecting with potential buyers. Sales professionals can build accurate prospect lists faster and turn more of those prospects into customers by leveraging Velocify’s ProspectFlow. The company claims that conversion rates are increased by as much as 391 per cent by using ProspectFlow as it ensures the optimal flow of communication.

Manoj Goyal, Chief Operating Officer at Velocify, says, “We developed SalesCaddy to help sales teams maintain the balance between responding to inbound leads quickly and finding the time to uncover new, high-potential prospects that aren’t picked up through marketing campaigns. With the power to automatically tap into social and professional networks and to engage quickly with personalized email templates, salespeople can quickly and effectively incorporate prospecting into their optimal prospect workflow.”

Grand Slam with SalesCaddy

SalesCaddy comprises two tools, SocialCaddy and MailCaddy, which can be immediately deployed as extensions in the Google Chrome web browser. The power of SalesCaddy comes to life when coupled with Velocify Pulse and its ProspectFlow functionality, which drives a proven outreach strategy across the entire sales organization.

SocialCaddy Serves as Sales Reps’ Personal Prospecting Assistant. It makes informed prospecting easier, faster, and more precise by enabling sales reps to search multiple social and professional networks such as LinkedIn, Crunchbase, and Facebook with one easy search function. Reps can then import prospect profiles directly into their CRM system. The simple yet powerful tool eliminates tedious administrative work that takes time away from reps having meaningful conversations with potential customers.

MailCaddy Puts Prospecting and Email Communications on the map as it helps to engage new prospects with personalized emails sent from their own business account. Figuring out a prospect’s email address can be time-consuming and full of trial and error, but Velocify’s Email Pattern and Email Verify empower reps to reach out with confidence by generating possible email matches and verifying deliverability. It leverages email templates and data within the CRM, and integrates with Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, and Office365. Sales reps can track email open results through MailCaddy, and can even use the tool to quickly send emails from within the CRM interface.

ProspectFlow’s contribution

ProspectFlow Keeps Reps Focused on the Right Opportunity at the Right Time, it develops account and contact engagement workflows so sales teams remain focused on pursuing the right contact, in the right way, at the right time. This automated sales process optimization empowers reps to make every touch point count and increase qualification rates by eliminating time wasted trying to figure out what to do next.

With these tools built on Velocify’s sales acceleration platform, companies can align every step of the sales cycle, from prospecting to outreach to closing the deal. According to a survey by CSO Insights, While advances in marketing automation have led to a major influx in inbound leads, 47 per cent of successful sales started with a lead generated by the sales department rather than marketing. Velocify SalesCaddy helps salespeople become more effective by taking the busywork out of prospecting, enabling them to move quickly along the optimal path through the sales process, from start to finish.

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