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Moving towards Paperlite and environmental sustainability


Before the technological advancements, we see today, offices and businesses relied heavily on paper to carry out their daily operations. Mails for clients, announcements and memos, invoices, reports, and everything else were done on paper, and this became the status quo for all businesses.

This kind of approach, unbeknownst to many offices, did more harm than good. Labor and time were squandered with the effort to effectively store, file, reproduce, and process documents made on paper. Money was also spent, not only on paper, but other paraphernalia that were essential to make the paper useful for the daily transactions. Paper usage, after all, also involved inks, printers, writing materials, adhesives, filing materials, and the like.

The paper production industry gleaned a lot from this need, but they contributed to harming the environment as well. Trees were cut down, pollution was emitted from the factories that made the paper, and discarded paper made up a sizeable percentage of a landfill’s weight in terms of solid waste before being recycled.

With the developments in technology nowadays, more industries have begun the transition to a “paperless” or “paperlite” office – essentially translating their usual operations done on paper to the digital format. Many studies are claiming that this transition allows companies to save more money, time, and can translate to a “greener” office – essentially by not contributing to the pulp mills’ production of paper by not needing it altogether.

But this transition is not an easy one, and without the proper procedures, it can fail for your business. To make sure you have a smooth and effective transition, this infographic courtesy of Law in Order will help you out.

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Peter Hartley
Peter Hartley is a General Manager at Law In Order in Queensland. Peter heads up a dedicated team of Legal Process Outsourcing specialists in our Queensland operation.