Home Industry Verticals Marketing MailChimp makes its automation tools free for all

MailChimp makes its automation tools free for all


Popular email marketing tool, MailChimp, is making its marketing automation features free for its users.

Marketing automation is available to everyone since yesterday, from the Automation tab in MailChimp dashboard. “We’re excited to announce that our powerful marketing automation features are now free for all MailChimp users! No matter what type of plan you’re on—Forever Free, Monthly, Pro, or Pay As You Go—you can now send personalized automations at no extra cost,” said a company blog post.

Automation allows companies to send targeted campaigns such as welcome mails, product recommendations, re-engaging lapsed customers, sending Happy Birthday messages, besides others.

The blog post further states:

“Automation empowers our customers to create sophisticated campaigns that help them compete with bigger companies, but we know that not everyone has a large list or the budget to upgrade to a paid account when they first get started. Small businesses look to MailChimp to help them build their brand, and we want to give everyone—no matter their account type or list size—the opportunity to use our marketing automation tools to do just that.”


The company claims that “more than 15 million people and businesses around the world use MailChimp.”

According to the company’s 2016, Annual Report, a total number of 246,148,661,219 emails were sent by its customers; and added 3,936,108 new users last year.

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